Microsoft laptop: an Apple hater


Funny sign: iPad on sale now


Big boobs holding apple


Apple sneakers


Magic mirror


Google juice


How apple girls use laptop


Sexy Apple girl, naked!


Apple with dual core technology


iPad vs Stone


It means Apple iPad 1.  It seems iPad 2 got one more score.

Comparison of a stone and a iPhone

funny comparison between iPhone and a stone

Don't cry, Apple fanbois. iPhone did not lose all features to the stone.

Apple map

funny world map with apple

In response to Google maps, Apple release this Apple Map.

iPhone earring

funny iPhone earring, Apple fanboi

Apple fanboi.

McDonald’s in Iraq

funny McdDonald

Business is business. For businessman, money is money. Maybe, McDonald's can sue this guy to get a share of revenue, just like Microsoft, or Apple did to protect their brands or IP.

Funny Apple PC

funny apple pc with real apple

I am not a fan of Apple: I do not use Mac, I do not use iPhone, I do not use iPad, I do not use even iPod. But I know there are many dead fans for Apple; a few even cannot not afford a real one.

Why I don’t like Apple?

funny picture: why i don

I am never a fan of Apple. But I do not know the exact reason until this picture flashed in front of my eyes.