Bad education: kids drinking beer in beach


Sexy sex education: use condoms to protect yourself from bugs

sexy sex education, use condom to protect yourself from bugs

Nice educational material for sex education. Actually it is a commercial for a condom. Anyway, every man wants to be the bug, or to smash the bug.

Sex education: do you want to have sex with Hitler?

funny sex education, stay cool, or you will be screwed by Hitler

Current or even previous generations cannot read it properly, as not so many girls hate Hitler any more. Anyway, at that time, girls were different from today's, and they would not want to be screwed by a politician unless there were no choices.

Sex education: what will you bring home

funny sex education, not bring AIDS home

When picking up a girl, think whether she is clean. The problem is people will only think about this when it is too late.

Sex education: abstinence untill marriage

funny sex education, abstinence until marriage.

Nice slogan. But who will marry here if she keep abstinence until marriage? Unless she marries before 16.